Southborough Rod & Gun Club
Sportsmanship Conservation Propagation
Propagation is one of the founding principles of Southborough Rod & Gun Club, and we are proud to continue that tradition today. Several training courses are offered throughout the year and are open to both members and guests. See below for specific course information. If there are courses you would like to see offered that are not listed here, please feel free to contact us.
NRA Home Firearm Safety & Massachusetts LTC Course
The NRA Home Firearm Safety Course is designed for individuals who want to apply for a Firearms Identification (FID) Card or License to Carry (LTC) permit in Massachusetts.
Course instruction includes:
Pistol, Rifle, and Shotgun:
Parts and Operation
Transportation & Storage
Using a Pistol Safely
Operating a Pistol
Cleaning a Pistol - Semi-Automatic & Revolver
Shooting Fundamentals
The Bench Rest Shooting Position
Other Shooting Positions
Improving and Maintaining Shooting Skills
Massachusetts Laws Pertaining to Licensing, Transportation, & Storage
The course will be offered during one instructional session lasting approximately 8 hours, starting at 8 AM and finishing between 4:00 & 5:00 PM. You must attend the entire session.
Instruction will take place in a small group with multiple instructors permitting a high degree of personalized attention. Our volunteer instructors are all NRA and Massachusetts State Police Certified. This course includes Classroom Instruction and Live Fire Exercises on our indoor pistol range.
The NRA Home Firearm Safety Course is being offered at $125 per student. The Course Fee includes all course materials, use of firearms, ammunition, and hearing and eye protection. Lunch and refreshments will be provided.
To register or for more information, contact Students may also register by clicking on the corresponding date on this page.

Basic Hunter Education
The Basic Hunter Education Course is now mandatory for first-time hunters looking to obtain a hunting license in Massachusetts. It also fulfills the requirements needed to apply for a Firearms Identification (FID) card or License to Carry (LTC) permit.
Course instruction includes:
Safe handling and storage of hunting arms and ammunition
Hunting laws and ethics
Wildlife identification
Wildlife management
Care and handling of game
Basic survival skills and first aid
The Basic Hunter Education Course and course materials are offered free of charge. Students must pre-register through Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife (MassWildlife).